Why Qigong Can Help Anxiety

Why Qigong Can Help Anxiety

One of the most common messages I receive is “Qigong has really helped my anxiety!” I am so happy when people find relief from anxiety and anxiety symptoms through Qigong! Anxiety is quite common these days. According to the Anxiety and Depression...
Qigong For Uplifting Mood and Energy

Qigong For Uplifting Mood and Energy

This time of year, it is quite common to feel a little down. If you: experience depression suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or you just feel down from time to time it’s important to have a variety of tools to help yourself! There are times when we need...
Pushing the Qi – Simple Qigong Exercise for Chest Tightness

Pushing the Qi – Simple Qigong Exercise for Chest Tightness

Here is a simple qigong exercise that will help release chest tightness, anxiety, and stress called Pushing the Qi. According to qi gong (chi kung) and traditional Chinese Medicine anxiety and chest tightness can be caused by stagnation of qi in the chest, heart,...
How to Reduce Anxiety in 5 Steps

How to Reduce Anxiety in 5 Steps

Anxiety can be debilitating and can truly affect all areas of life. In some cases anxiety can start due to an event, other times it can begin with no reason at all. By now I am sure you have sought medical help if you suffer from anxiety, but if you haven’t you...