Qigong Routine for Overwhelm

Qigong Routine for Overwhelm

With so much information, things to do, places to visit, and people to meet – it is easy to feel overwhelmed.  If we are a normal person living today, our senses are constantly stimulated. This can be a good thing, but it can also be harmful. If start to feel:...
5 Reasons to Practice Qi Gong

5 Reasons to Practice Qi Gong

Qi Gong practice can help you feel more energy, less stress, reduce pain, and leave you feeling full of life and vitality. If you are brand new to Qi Gong practice, you haven’t started yet, or you already have experience, it is good to have many different...
Qi Gong for Anxiety and Chest Tightness

Qi Gong for Anxiety and Chest Tightness

A very common reason people practice qi gong is because of anxiety and symptoms that accompany it, such as chest tightness and fullness. Some of our most popular qi gong routines in the Communi Qi are for anxiety. Anxiety affects roughly 18% of the adult population...
Sitting Qigong Routine

Sitting Qigong Routine

There are many different styles of qigong. Some qigong practices are invigorating, stimulating, and will increase strength and flexibility, and other styles are more meditative, gentle, and relaxing. Some days you may feel drawn to an invigorating practice, one that...
Qigong Concept to Help Improve Your Practice

Qigong Concept to Help Improve Your Practice

There are many qigong practices – some say there are hundreds, others suggest that there are even thousands. It would take a lifetime, or lifetimes to learn them all! While there is variety in qigong practices there are some underlying principles that are...