Benefits of Qigong Practice

Benefits of Qigong Practice

What are the Benefits of Qigong practice? Science is starting to understand what the ancient Chinese have known for centuries- being healthy is not just an absence of disease, it is a holistic state of being physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and...
Pushing the Qi – Simple Qigong Exercise for Chest Tightness

Pushing the Qi – Simple Qigong Exercise for Chest Tightness

Here is a simple qigong exercise that will help release chest tightness, anxiety, and stress called Pushing the Qi. According to qi gong (chi kung) and traditional Chinese Medicine anxiety and chest tightness can be caused by stagnation of qi in the chest, heart,...
Qigong and Addictions

Qigong and Addictions

Qigong and Addictions There are many approaches to treating and managing addictions. This can range from 12 Step, Talk Therapy, Counselling, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and pharmaceutical intervention just to mention a few. Qigong...
3 Simple Tips to Feel Healthier

3 Simple Tips to Feel Healthier

Here are 3 really simple tips to help you feel energetic, and vibrant. Sometimes staying healthy gets so complicated with all the health “gurus'”telling us what we should and shouldn’t be doing. Simple is best, and here are 3 really easy tips that...
How Often Should You Practice Qi Gong?

How Often Should You Practice Qi Gong?

You may be new to qi gong practice and you may be trying to figure out how long you should practice for. It is quite easy to answer- everyday! While some exercises, such as running or working out, are best to do every other day, qi gong should be practiced daily for...